Cosmetic product development while maintaining natural and ethical standards

 It would not be wrong to say that many harmful chemicals are used in the development of cosmetics to meet the demands of big business. People using these products may have fulfilled their beauty goals, but they have to experience the side effects too. Therefore, designing personal care and beauty products by maintaining ethical and natural standards is the need of the hour. Dermasist Innovation Lab is solely involved in designing skincare and beauty products that are tested for quality, safety, and compliance. We do Cosmetic Product Development in Delhi to match the rising demand for cosmetics by meeting safety and integrity regulations.

Here's what we can do for you

Customized product manufacturing

We are delivering top-notch solutions for cosmetic manufacturing by offering customized Cosmetic Product Development in Delhi. Are you a start-up with a remarkable idea or an existing brand that require support with an integrated business plan? Trust us, we are a prominent cosmetic product manufacturer that offers an extensive array of cosmetic manufacturing for you to meet your market needs. We can design, engineer, and produce goods on the basis of your unique specifications. We can deliver you an ample range of cosmetics such as moisturizers, creams, lotions, serums, oils, shampoos, conditioners, hair colors, and a lot more.

We are specialized in R&D

As mentioned earlier that many cosmetic manufacturers these days use harmful chemicals to enhance the instant results of their products. They tend to follow chemical formulations of products to boost their sales. Although, it might serve their purpose to earn huge revenue most of them end up losing potential customers. So, our Cosmetic Research and Development in Delhi is an integral part of our manufacturing to make sure each product is safe to use for consumers. Our R & D team consider all the matter and create new products while maintaining safety and testing ethics. Also, we do make formulation testing for existing products to improve their quality. So, apart from just producing the required cosmetic line for you, we research, formulate, test, stabilize, and validate the specifications of products.

In-house lab testing for products

Testing for cosmetics is an essential part of manufacturing which can authenticate their quality. We do in-house lab testing for cosmetics to check if they are free from allergens and other disparities. But we do not test them on the animals to maintain a cruelty-free testing regimen. We perform:

Sun protection tests
Efficacy tests
Allergen testing
Eye irritation testing
Patch testing

All these tests are executed by our experts as we have well-equipped Cosmetics Laboratories in Delhi for performing in-house testing of products. Also, we do performance testing for the products to check their supposed outcomes before launching them into the consumer market.

We believe in natural cosmetic formulation

We have the vision to create cosmetics that are free from corrosive and toxic substances like ethanolamine and antifreeze. What problem with producing non-harmful cosmetic products actually is money, right? We have already mentioned that it will not help you to retain customers for long. So, we are certain about Cosmetic Research and Development in Delhi to make sure all products are non-harmful. We use natural components which are extracted from natural sources and use combinations of phytochemicals, exfoliants, moisturizers, and antioxidants in products.

To sum up

There are many aspects that need to be checked while manufacturing cosmetics. If you are not sure about the formulation and base creation for your products, you can consult Dermasist Innovation Lab. We have Cosmetics Laboratories in Delhi to test formulations for an ample variety of products. Also, we can help you in manufacturing cosmetic lines as per specific safety, quality, and market requirements.


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